At Bede Polding College we offer a range of competitive and recreational sports and activities to cater for students' interests and abilities.

Sport, as an aspect of the school curriculum, is an integral part of an individual’s development, requiring physical involvement in organised games or activities within an accepted set of rules. Sport is a valued and accepted part of a school’s curriculum because it contributes to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for a number of social, physical, emotional and moral learning, and is an important expression of our culture. Participation, enjoyment and skill development of all students are the cornerstones of school sport.

School Sport:

  • is a learning process and adds diversity to the school curriculum
  • provides opportunities for active involvement of parents and community members
  • strengthens links with the community through sharing of facilities and expertise
  • encourages healthy competition and responsible behaviours
  • increases student options for an active lifestyle.

Through school sport students can:

  • make new friends
  • discover new abilities
  • learn to appreciate the different abilities of others
  • recognise their sporting potential
  • be challenged and experience success in physical activities
  • develop an appreciation of fair play in sport
  • appreciate the value of being a team member
  • develop positive attitudes to both winning and losing
  • release tension and energy
  • appreciate the value of physical activity
  • improve their fitness.
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Cross Country Carnival
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Netball Player
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Equestrian Rider
Cricket at Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Swimming Carnival
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Swimming Carnival
Representative Sport at Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor
Bede Polding Catholic College Windsor Athletics Carnival


School sport provides opportunities to experience new games and sports, develop talents in sports and recreation activities and play modified sports.


Thursday sport options

Bede Polding College students participate in a rotational sport model to ensure each student has equal access to facilities, sports and external venues. The structure of the program revolves around the 3 main types of activities:

School Sport

Students participate in a Homeroom based competition that utilises sports such as:

  • Soccer
  • Touch Football
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Beach Volleyball
  • European Handball
  • Basketball
  • Hockey and
  • Indoor Games.
    Park Sport

    Students are transported to local parks and play in a homeroom based competition in sports such as:

    • Cricket
    • AFL
    • Softball
    • Touch Football
    • Soccer
    • Frisbee and
    • Grid Iron.
    Venue Sport

    Students are transported to local venues to experience a wide variety of activities. Venues include:

    • Rock Climbing
    • Roller Skating
    • Indoor Soccer
    • Squash
    • Fitness Gym
    • Tennis
    • Ten Pin Bowling
    • Putt Putt Golf and
    • Indoor Soccer.

    Representative sport

    Bede Polding College is a member of the PDSSSC Sports Council which runs a weekly sporting competition for its members. Students are able to try out for teams which represent the College in Touch Football, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, Netball, Cricket and sometimes Basketball, AFL, Oz Tag and Baseball.

    Bede Polding College also enters teams in many state-wide knockouts in the above sports.

    Students are able to represent the College in Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics through the PDSSSC Carnivals, and the College supports all students trialling in the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges Pathway.

    Learn more about representative sport



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